History and Development
It all started with Dieter Dorn, a Sawmill owner working for the local farmers in South Germany.
One day, over 30 years ago, while lifting a heavy log he got injured and it developed to a Lumbago (sciatic pain). An old healer helped to relieve his pain by using some very simple and easy movements. Amazed, he asked if he could learn them from the old healer, but the old healer replied: "You already know them".
Dorn's first patient was his wife who for several years had suffered from severe headaches. According to some doctors, the transverse processes of her cervical vertebrae where too long and could be shortened by surgery but she refused to be operated upon. Dieter Dorn checked his wife’s neck and found that the vertebrae were only twisted and that the x-ray was not a correct reading. He gently pushed the vertebrae back into place and since then her headaches have been history. She has since became the most prominent patient of Dieter Dorn.
That was the beginning of the DORN METHOD!
Soon after, Dieter Dorn helped many people in the neighborhood by correcting their unequal leg length and aligning their joints. To his surprise many other ailments like knee pains, heart problems, hearing problems and others also seem to have disappeared.
The answer to all this he discovered by coincidence in a book about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where acupuncture and acupressure were among the techniques used to cure many ailments.
During the course of his treatments he observed that he was also addressing the meridians (nerve pathways) along the spine. Because of the connection between the spinal cord and the inner organs connected through the spinal nerve pathways, many problems disappeared when the misaligned vertebrae where corrected.
By meeting and assisting Dr. Thomas Hansen M.D., Dieter Dorn started to lean more about anatomy and physiology, and together, they explored the potentials of this new method for an extended period of time.
Some years later, Dieter Dorn decided that it was time to teach other people this wonderful method, and he started to give seminars. Many learned from him and are now following in his foot steps with equal success.
Today, more and more people from the medical field, like doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, non-medical practitioners and chiropractors, attend these seminars and are amazed about what they learnt.
Dieter Dorn used to said there were three kinds of thought models in life:
- What can I do for myself?
- What can someone else do for me?
- What can I do for others?
Dieter Dorn lived with the third one. “We are born for others, otherwise our life makes no sense”, was his opinion. This is a way full of ‘thorns’ (Thorn translates in German as ‘Dorn’). Maybe that is why the method is called “DORN METHOD”, he joked. Nome nest omen! In German the spinous processes are called Dorn Fortsaetze, in medical terms, isn’t that a coincidence?
Dieter Dorn passed away on 19 January, 2011.
* Above was extracted from Thomas Zudrell’s book - "The DORN METHOD".
  • Dorn Method Self-Help Class
    24 Jan (15:00-17:30)  Register Here